I´m a member of the blogher Publishing Network now!

I know, I know, in my post last week "Is blogher worth it" I wasn´t sure if I should accept the invitation to become a member of the blogher Publishing Network.

My main concern was that I did not want to create a second blog for sponsored posts, reviews or giveaways and that is why I asked blogher again what that means. Here is their answer:

"Our contract does state that we prohibit any posts where you're paid. Product to review and/or give away, or an experience in order to write a review (i.e. dining out, a subscription to an online service) is not considered payment if that's all you receive."

So, I am still able to review products and also to do giveaways! Only sponsored posts (paid posts) have to be only through blogher sponsors. I am OK with this as I got paid for a post very rarely anyway.

My other concern about cruelty free ad options also diminished after I found out that I am able to uncheck "animal products" like fur, meat, eggs, diary. I will however have no control if for example a beauty company that is not cruelty free will be on my site- BUT with Adsense I had no control about this aspect either.

I must say: I am so positively surprised how quickly I got always answers from blogher to all my concerns! They are fast, friendly and professional! (Adsense is almost impossible to contact at all, answers come late and are no help).

I am excited and happy to be a blogher member now!

