How I organize my stuff!
Wonderful blogger Liz from MY PRETTY OBSESSIONS gave me a couple days ago a nice idea of blogging about how I store my beauty items, because I said in my post of the BEAUTY BLOGGER TAG that I am very organized. Liz wrote an article about that too, which you can check out HERE.
So, let me share with you what I do. I am totally OCD- I do not even like to have my Make-up outside or in clear plastic drawers (which I have seen now on a lot blogs) because it would drive me nuts to see all these colorful things in there. I mean, I like what´s in there, but I do not want to see it all the time. I need to store them away- out of sight! LOL
So, what I got is basic gift boxes from Michael's with a Styrofoam insert. These I open up and I put in my drawers in my bathroom. I use the lid as well as the box. The Styrofoam works awesome to store my jewelry.
Here is another drawer: this is actually my most important drawer, my "daily drawer" with the jewelry I wear at the moment the most and with my "always ready" (for a little trip maybe) Make-up bag. I do switch my favorite jewelry up and put different jewelry in the top drawer. (Yes- the drawers are sorted in themselves- top drawer is the most important- going down to the least important!).
For my jewelry the Styrofoam inserts are so perfect. I have everything in sight and nothing can scratch and you can just stick earrings in there!
It overwhelms me, if I see everything I got, I need to sort only the most important things in my top drawer. Oh, and I got a lot watches- this is another story I have to tell another time! LOL!
BTW I always keep all my Make-up super hygienic and I do not believe in opening up a bunch of Mascaras. I have always only 1 Mascara in use and I throw it away after 2 month. This way it never gets contaminated- this is really a high risk as your Mascara is right where your eyes are.
Every year, many women end up with eye infections from cosmetics. Eyelashes naturally have bacteria on them. As soon as you use a makeup brush on the eyelash or eyelid, the brush is contaminated. Over time, the contaminated brush leads to a buildup of bacteria in the cosmetics container, increasing the chance for an eye infection or an allergic reaction with each use of the product.
I have seen a lot of girls using 10 or more Mascaras at the same time. Please be extra careful- it does not matter, how many times you used the Mascara- after 2-3 month it is already contaminated! I am not only OCD - I am also the opposite of an hoarder- I am an throw-away-er- LOL! The same for facial powders or foundations- I rather use up 1 or 2 at the same time. I have never 10 foundations open at the same time. And if I feel they might not be clean anymore- I throw them away. But I will not have 10 foundations or concealers open at the same time.
Hope you enjoyed and maybe some of you can try out this really inexpensive but neat way of storing some of your items away?
XOXO, Sissi