Marilyn Monroe's Skin Care Routine!

I have today something special for you: Marilyn Monroe's actual skin care routine from 1959! How do I know which products she used? Recently Erno Laszlo send me some products to try (as you can see here) and they send me also a copy of Marilyn´s original skin care ritual, prescribed by Dr. Erno Laszlo! What a neat find!

Check it out for yourself:

I admit that I thought at first, when seeing this ritual, that this might be just a -very smart- marketing move from Erno Laszlo. But when you read through the instructions, it seems very legit. The wording is very old-fashioned with terms like "fill basin with warm water" or use "a large piece of cotton".

No, I truly believe this is totally authentic and was -at least in 1959- Marilyn Monroe´s real skin care routine.

What's best is, that most of the products that she used are still available today! Wohoo!

So, here it comes: Marilyn Monroe's skin care routine from 1959:

Morning Routine:

  • Then Marilyn applied the Erno Laszlo Normalizer Shake-IT. While this product unfortunately isn't available anymore, it seems like the Erno Laszlo Multi Phase might be a similar product.
  • As a last step she used the Erno Laszlo Duo-phase face powder, which isn't available anymore, but it looks very much like the Coty Airspun Loose Face powder to me- my little affordable dupe for ya! You're welcome! ;-)

The original Erno Laszlo Duo-Phase powder recently sold at Julien´s Auctions for $4,480!!! I sure hope the winner of this auction is not trying to use the powder on her/his face! ;-)

Probably a good time to bring this powder back, Erno Laszlo?

Evening Routine:

  • Marilyn then applied the Erno Laszlo Light Controlling Lotion on a "large piece of cotton" all over her face (expect around her eyes) to wipe off excess of the Erno Laszlo Phelityl cream. She then was instructed to dry off her face again with a towel but re-apply the cream again thickly on nose and chin.

Also worth to mention: Dr. Erno Laszlo also prescribed Marilyn Monroe to not eat: "any kind of nuts, chocolate, olives, oysters and clams"! ;-)

I really thought that this original prescription is such a neat find and pretty amazing that you can very much still re-create Marilyn Monroe´s original skin care routine. 

Turning into a bombshell -if you use this skin care routine- is at your own risk. ;-)

P.S. if you like retro stuff like this, you might care to read these articles as well! 

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