Testing Viral Overnight Heatless Curls! 👩‍🦱

I recently watched a couple of YouTube tutorials for an overnight heatless curls method - using a bathrobe belt (yes, you read that right: a bathrobe belt 👘 lol) and was very curious to see, if this method really works. 

Literally, all you do is wrap your hair around a bathrobe belt (you kinda braid the belt with your own hair) and sleep with it! No tools needed- the hair is completely dry and no hair products needed either! Can this really work?

Check out this tutorial by Tammy on how this method works.

So, I slept with my bathrobe belt wrap around my head- sure it wasn't super comfortable, but also not unbearable. And the next day I unwrapped the creation on my head and to my surprise: this method really worked! Completely without heat- so gentle on the hair and yet I had some pretty gorgeous curls going on! 👩‍🦱They were holding up all day too! Pretty amazing! Can you believe it? 

Have you tried this heatless curls or waves method on your hair? How did it work out? 
