How to reduce wrinkles & puffiness while sleeping!

Did you know that you could look older because of your sleeping position? Especially if you sleep on your belly or your side, because your face is smooshed into your pillow which can literally iron in wrinkles overnight! Not only on your face but also on your neck and chest area! Sleeping on your back is also good to look less puffy because liquids can drain better away than when sleeping on your belly.

That is why I want to try to sleep on my back and I was looking for a pillow that could help me with that. This is the Sleep & Glow Omnia pillow, designed by orthopedics. 

It has in the middle a head cradle for sleeping on your back. It is made out of memory foam, so it feels really nice. It also has on both sides a face cradle for sleeping on your side. This way your face does not get smooshed into your pillow and you look more rested after your night sleep.

This is how my face looks with my regular pillow. See how my face is smooshed and creates wrinkles?

This is how my face looks with the Sleep & Glow pillow. My head rests in the side cradle and is barely touching the pillow- therefore not creating more wrinkles!

I have to admit that I needed a little time to get used to it- in fact the first 2 nights I had trouble sleeping with it and exchanged it with my regular pillow. In the 3rd night I was able to sleep the whole night with it but according to Sleep & Glow this process may take up to 14 days. 

However, I can already tell that my face looks more rested sleeping with this pillow. I still try to sleep on my back but find myself often switching to one of the side cradles- but these work also to not smoosh my face and avoid further wrinkling in the night. 

Get $10 off with coupon code Sissi10 on their website or check the Sleep & Glow pillow out on Amazon.

Disclaimer: Sleep & Glow sent this pillow for consideration. I only recommend products or services I use personally and believe will be good for my readers. Contains Affiliate links. Read my full disclosure.
